Pelican Trek Sport 75 Utility Sled
Pelican Trek Sport 75 Utility Sled
Perfect for hauling all types of outdoor gear, the TREK SPORT 75 Utility Sled is a multi-purpose sled designed to be pulled by a motorized vehicle. Its 500 lb. load capacity gives you the space you need to carry all the gear you want to have at your fingertips. This sled was specially designed to add homemade dividers (made by the owner using the provided template) to stabilize the cargo and they fit into most standard truck boxes for easy transport.
Capacity and durability : The TREK SPORT 75 is very large. It has a volume of 275 liters and can carry up to 500 pounds (227 kg). This super durable sled is made of very strong RAM-X. Its high-density construction provides excellent impact resistance.
Included Accessories : This sled comes with RAM-X runners to extend the life of the sled (75 inches / 1.91 m), a trailer hitch that easily folds for easy transport and storage, and a protective cover.
Practical : Designed to be towed by a motorized vehicle, to accommodate homemade dividers (template provided) to stabilize the cargo and fits most standard truck boxes. It is equipped with rear reflectors for added safety.
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Perfect for hauling all types of outdoor gear, the TREK SPORT 75 Utility Sled is a multi-purpose sled designed to be pulled by a motorized vehicle. Its 500 lb. load capacity gives you the space you need to carry all the gear you want to have at your fingertips. This sled was specially designed to add homemade dividers (made by the owner using the provided template) to stabilize the cargo and they fit into most standard truck boxes for easy transport.
Capacity and durability : The TREK SPORT 75 is very large. It has a volume of 275 liters and can carry up to 500 pounds (227 kg). This super durable sled is made of very strong RAM-X. Its high-density construction provides excellent impact resistance.
Included Accessories : This sled comes with RAM-X runners to extend the life of the sled (75 inches / 1.91 m), a trailer hitch that easily folds for easy transport and storage, and a protective cover.
Practical : Designed to be towed by a motorized vehicle, to accommodate homemade dividers (template provided) to stabilize the cargo and fits most standard truck boxes. It is equipped with rear reflectors for added safety.
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This is an oversized item, contact us for applicable shipping charges and terms.
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